Noble Metal Solutions

Noble Metal Solutions is a global energy and commodity trader and project developer company, specialising in minor and precious metals, chemicals and energy. We source, store and trade metals including copper, gold, silver and platinum as well as crude oil products across the financial and physical centers of Europe and Asia.

Our expert team of specialists aim to enable our clients and partners to access physical commodities and acquire in-depth knowledge of market trends.

With a longstanding network of producers, our knowledge of quality goods is both localised and global, encouraging our business to be fully integrated throughout the entire supply chain. We have created a preferred transport and trading system to ease the logistical complexity of moving metals and energy world-wide.

Business development and corporate responsibility are at the core of our culture. We believe that strategic and organic growth is the key to expanding trading opportunities and key partnerships.

Metals and Minerals

We uphold LME/MMTA/LPPM/LBMA deliverable grades of minor and precious metals. As a globally connected company, we provide market intelligence with localised knowledge to keep our clients informed throughout every stage of the value chain.

Minor metals: Tungsten, Molybdenum, Tantalum, Titanium
Precious metals: Gold, Silver, Palladium and Platinum

Energy Products

We source, store and trade oil products to meet specific customer needs. Using our expert knowledge and presence in the global market we help distribute and trade energy products world-wide.

Energy Products: Crude Oil, Heavy fuel oil, Petrochemical catalyst

Project Development

Our company finances startup projects in the field of renewable energy production, waste recycling and innovative industrial technologies based on our strong connection to the scienctific reaserch and development institutions in Hungary.

Projects: Hydro, solar and wind power plants, processing of low and medium activity liquid radioactive waste, mirror and surface coating technology, development of new materials.

H-1118 Budapest, Mányoki út 14.3em.1. Hungary